Dropping with the Davion 4th Cavalry Division

Last night was amazing. The Windbourne Highlanders (WBH) were dropping using the NGNG Teamspeak server and Green Spoon from the Davion 4th Cavalry Division (4CAV) joined. Spoon started the conversation...

"Hey Windbourne Highlanders, we've dropped with you a couple times and like what your doing." 

"We like your tactics and wonder if you want to train with us."

What an honor. I can think of few better than someone our unit having no relationship with asking if we want to work together to make both our units stronger. What followed was awesome. Sitting on private server, we have dropped 8 times against them and others. WBH showed our strength, winning 6 of the 8 drops. 

Our tactics are working and others are noticing!